Here you will find a list of dance research publications.
Dancing with Epistemic Borders
McGrath, A., Durrer, V., & Campbell, P. (2021). Dancing with Epistemic Borders: Knowledge and unknowns in mixed-methods Practice-as-Research (PaR) collaborations between dance and social science. Performance Research, 26(4), 95-103.
Researchers reflect on using paper surveys and improvised dance responses to research questions about experiences of crossing borders in dance work gathered at the Co-Motion conference in 2019. The potential of these mixed methods for bringing an affective and embodied experience of borders in dialogue with more traditional methods of sociological enquiry is discussed.
Read the publication here
Dance and Borders
Aoife McGrath, Orla McGrady, JayneMooney (2019).'Dance and Borders', in Animated: current issues and practice in participatory dance,19:2,pp. 22-25.
Read the publication here